Reference Gauge

Spare Part อะไหล่

< Names of major components of MB-B > Model "NH" : Spare Part For Magnetic Holder

Parts for sale !

※ Upper and Lower clamping fixtures as well as switching part are to be sold in one lot.

※ Please take note that there may be difference in screw hole for mounting main pole and so on.

Spare Part อะไหล่

NH-M1 An example of mounting

Model "MB" : Optional Upper Clamp

<An example of usage>

A range of variation for measuring can be wider


• For use with magnetic base, High Lock Base for mounting dial gauge, linear gauge.

mounting Ø6 stem



mounting back dial gauge

• With Ø6 mm shaft corresponding to the bracket mounting holes on the MB series. • It can mount larger size dial gauges such as liner gauge (dia. 15). (DG-15-6) • With Ø8 mm and Ø6 mm holes and can mount dial gauges in the dovetail groove. (DG-AM -6). • It has an Ø8 mm mounting stem, corresponding to the MB-MX and MB-OX, for lug back dial gauge mounting.

mounting Ø8 stem

Order No. DG-15-6 DG-AM-6

Applicable models MB-series,MX,OX


for ∅ 15 dial gauges such as liner gauge for dial gauge with dovetail

MB-series MB-MX,OX

for dial gauge with lug


JSR Entech Catalogue 167 jetco@jet.co.th


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